Monday, January 19, 2009

Presidential Oaths: Learn It!

(George Washington, 1789; Andrew Jackson, 1829; Lyndon B. Johnson, 1963)
(Calvin Coolidge, 1923; James Buchanan, 1857; Bill Clinton, 1993)

As the country gears up for Barack Obama's inauguation tomorrow, we couldn't help but wonder how many Presidential inaugural oaths were taken under unusual situations, or to be more precise, were taken somewhere other than in Washington, D.C.?

As you ponder the question, "How many Presidential Inaugural Oaths were taken somewhere other than in Washington, D.C.?", remember that we have had 43 Presidents, (not counting Obama), but the inaugural oath has been administered 64 times. Of those 64 oaths, only 7 were taken somewhere other than in Washington, D.C. Can you name the locations of those 7 oaths and who took them? (Of the 57 oaths taken in Washington, D.C., only two were taken somewhere other than at the Capitol or the White House.)

1. George Washington took his first oath in 1789 in New York City, the nation's first capitol city.
2. George Washington took his second oath in 1793 in Philadelphia, the nation's second capitol city.
3. John Adams took his oath in 1797 in Philadelphia, the U. S. capitol.
4. Vice President Chester A. Arthur was at his residence in New York City, 123 Lexington Ave., in 1881 when word arrived of Pres. Garfield's death. Arthur took the oath in his home from John R. Brady, Chief Justice of the New York State Supreme Court.
5. Vice President Theodore Roosevelt was on a hiking trip in the Adirondack Mountains in 1901 when a messenger told him that Pres. McKinley was on his death bed in Buffalo, New York. T.R. immediately traveled to Buffalo, receiving a telegram en route which stated that McKinley had died. In Buffalo, T.R. stayed at the home of an old friend, Ansley Wilcox, and there took his oath of office from a U.S. District Judge.
6. Vice President Calvin Coolidge was at his father's home in Plymouth, Vermont, in 1923 when he got word of Pres. Harding's death. He took the oath in father's home, administered by his father, a notary public.
7. Vice President Lyndon Johnson was in Dallas, Texas in 1963 when Pres. Kennedy was assassinated. Johnson boarded Air Force One at Love Field in Dallas, where U.S. District Judge Sarah T. Hughes administered the oath of office. (Judge Hughes is the only woman to have ever administered the oath of office to a U.S. President.)
Of the two oaths taken in Washington, D.C., but at locations other than the Capitol Building or White House, one was taken in 1841 by Vice President John Tyler at Brown's Hotel, 6th St. and Pennsylvania Ave., upon the news of Pres. Harrison's death. The other oath was taken by Vice President Johnson in 1865 at Kirkwood Hotel, 12th St. and Pennsylvania Ave., upon the news of Pres. Lincoln's death.

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