Thursday, January 29, 2009

Thank God We've Got Somebody in Congress With Some Guts!

Rep. John Conyers, (D-Mich.), Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, issued new a subpoena this week to Karl Rove to testify about his involvement in the firing of the nine U.S. attorneys. Previous attempts to haul "Bush's Brain" in front of the Committe failed because Rove claimed "executive privilege". Some legal experts think, now that Rove is no longer a member of the Executive Branch of the U.S. Government, (thank God!), he can no longer avoid an appearance in front of the Committee. We'll see.

The most interesting aspect of this tale is the fact that Pres. Obama, Nancy Pelosi and several others have stated that they'd rather not deal with the past abuses of the Bush Administration, but many feel that if the law was broken, then the rule of law must be upheld, no matter what the outcome. Otherwise, what good does it do to have a Constitution and a set of laws if we're only going to follow them when it's convenient? What do you think?

If you're like us, and you'd like to see them fry Karl Rove's fat ass, or at least make him answer some tough questions, you can email John Conyers at Go for it!

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