Monday, February 23, 2009

Backstage at The Oscars

"I'm sorry, Mr. Jackman, but the producers have asked me to tell you that you suck. Could you pack your bags, please? And here's some cab fare to get home. Thank you for your time."


Oh my god! Quick, everybody get out of the way! Queen Latifah has spotted the doughnut table. For God's sakes, somebody get the Slumdog kids out of the way!

"Listen to me carefully, Mr. Murphy, when you go out there to give the award to Jerry Lewis, it is not... watch my lips, now... are you watching? It... is... not... about... you."

Shirley MacLaine, Marion Cotillard, Halle Berry and Nicole Kidman stare in horror at Sophia Loren as she massages her overly large lady breasts in preparation for them to storm the stage.

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