Sunday, February 22, 2009

Oscars - 11:39

The Best Actor. Out comes Robert DeNiro, Ben Kingsley, Adrian Brody, Michael Douglas, Anthony Hopkins to bestow the award. We're feeling the last minute momentum for Sean Penn, but we don't know.
And the winner is Sean Penn for "Milk"!
We had the last minute feeling that Sean was going to win, after all, because of the audience reaction. When the nominees were being introduced, the applause and cheering was much louder for Penn than for Rourke. That tipped it off. The people in the audience are the ones who vote for the Oscars. Duh.
Penn gave a sweet, emotional speech which later became political when he said that the people who voted against gay marriage in California are "shamed" and "will feel their grandchildren's shame" if they don't change their minds. Wow!! Strong stuff. There goes any hope for bailout money from a Republican Congress.
So we go 4 for 4 in our predictions in the acting categories. Sort of. We changed our minds at the last minute for Heath Ledger, but hey, 3 out of 4 is still not bad.

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