Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Twits and Twats

For the longest time, we ignored Twitter, thinking, why would anyone possibly care what some brain-dead celebrity is eating at the moment or the fact that she really loves puppies? Jesus!, we thought, this really is the beginning of the end of civilization, or at least a true step in the dumbing-down of it. But then we thought, hey! we're missing the obvious attraction of Twitter. Not only are the most famous among us voluntarily exposing their glaring lack of any discernable smarts, but we get to witness it first hand. It's sort of like a train wreck, only funnier. So with that said, we introduce our new feature: "Twitter of the Day".

Best Twitters of the Day, August 12, 2009 -

Bill Maher: New Rule: If you were one of the three Americans who decided to go on a scenic border hike in Iraq...

Meghan McCain: empower me to continue speaking out. Much love from this Republican! And especially all my LGBT friends in my life, I love you so much!
And from the lesser intellectually endowed -

Heidi Montag: getting my hair blown out

Miley Cyrus: Why do I continue to torture myself?

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