Friday, January 22, 2010

Friday Morning Hangover

This morning we look back on the week that was for Jan. 17-23, 2009:

On Sunday night, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association staged their annual Golden Globes Awards, and nobody cared. To say that the Golden Globes are a bit of a joke is an understatement; just a few short years ago, actors openly attempted to buy Golden Globes, most famously documented when Sharon Stone bought all the members wrist watches and found herself nominated shortly thereafter. New rules have been put into place, but members of the Association still regularly dine with actors courting their favor. But hey, narcissistic, over-paid actors get to hand trophies to themselves in a nationally televised pageant of masturbatory self-indulgence, so it can't be all bad, right? Oh, and by the way, would someone tell Mariah Carey that when she received an invitation to participate in all that is the Golden Globes, they didn't mean it literally.

In politics, former Cosmopolitan Magazine nude model, Scott Brown, won a seat in the U.S. Senate, taking the Massachusetts "Kennedy Seat" for the Republican Party for the first time since 1953. Head Republican Sarah Palin quickly called the truck-driving, anti-gay marriage conservative, congratulating him on his win, stating that his win was "a step for taking our country back." Oh good, we're so happy to hear that Sarah no longer thinks that posing nude is "porn", which is how she famously described almost son-in-law Levi Johnston's stint in Playgirl Magazine on the Oprah Winfrey Show. Hypocrisy and irony are completely lost on the Republicans, which is why we love them so dearly, they're like a gift that just won't stop giving!

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