Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Flip-Flopping in the U.S.A.

Well, you knew this was coming, we just didn't think it would happen so quickly. Less than a week after the Health Care Law was signed by Pres. Obama, the first Republican backs off his pledge to "repeal it". Rep. Mark Kirk, (R-IL), who's running for Barack Obama's senate seat, refused to talk quite so tough yesterday about "repeal" when questioned by reporters. His opponent in the senate race ran an ad asking Kirk if he "really wanted to return to a system where insurance companies can deny coverage to a child with a pre-existing condition?" When questioned by reporters, Kirk didn't mentioned "repeal" once, instead, he hem-hawed something about the taxes associated with the bill that were unfair to the American people. Right.
(a mark kirk-sponsored town hall meeting in 2009)
The Huffington Post reports that secretly, Republicans are scared to death of this November's mid-term elections, because once again they realized they've painted themselves into a corner. If they push hard for repeal of the Health Care Law, they risk turning off millions of Americans who are in favor of the Law, but if they back off their cry of repeal, their overzealous tea-baggers will turn on them for not being able to accomplish what they promised.
Sadly, Pres. Obama had to do a bit of flip-flopping himself today as he announced plans to allow some off-shore drilling. Remember Sarah Palin's cry of "Drill, Baby, Drill!" during the presidential campaign? And Pres. Obama and Vice President Joe Biden poked fun at Palin for saying it? So we're sure this decision by Pres. Obama was not an easy one, and we can't wait to hear what the dim-wit Sarah Palin will say about it.
Let's be honest, all politicians have to change their minds about issues once they actually take office, but there's usually a big difference as to why Democrats and Republicans change their minds. In the case of off-shore drilling, almost everyone agrees that if we can produce some of our own oil, it will decrease our dependence on the oil we need from other sources, such as the Middle East. The difference between Obama's drilling and Palin's drilling is that the Democrats will try to drill in a way that won't upset the environment, and they'll try to insure that the monies from such drilling are distributed fairly and evenly. Whereas the Republicans have proven for decades that they have little regard for the environment and that any money from such public works quickly finds its way into their, or their friends' pockets. In other words, if we have to drill, who would you trust to do it better, Pres. Obama or Sarah Palin? Bitch, please!

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