Sunday, March 14, 2010

The King of Crap

Sen. Lindsey Graham, blowhard Republican from South Carolina, you know, that guy that gives you the feeling that a pedophile just walked into your child's birthday party whenever he appears on t.v., made another appearance this morning on ABC's "This Week". Referring to Pres. Obama's latest push to pass health care reform, Graham said that American's are "tired of this crap". He continued by accusing the president of "arrogance" in pushing legislation in a non-bipartisan fashion. And he called the idea of using reconciliation to get a bill passed a "sleazy process" that would "open up Pandora's box."
No, Lindsey, you have it backwards. We are sick of your crap!
Wow. This is one of those "where do we start" kind of posts. We haven't said a lot about the health care debate, because quite honestly, we didn't know, as most American's didn't, what was even being debated. The health care bill, even at this late date, is still being written. Even today, as we write this, there is no health care bill in any kind of final form, next week the House and Senate will vote on each other's proposed bills, but those bills will change before the final votes are taken.
So what's really going on here? Why are the Republicans so opposed to health care reform, especially considering that no one's even sure what's going to be in the final bill? That question's a little easier to understand.

The Republican's opposition to health care reform comes from three main factors:
1. The Republicans don't want Pres. Obama to succeed in any way, shape, form or fashion. The Republicans have an unquenchable thirst for power, and they want to reassume control of the White House and Congress at all costs, even if it means destroying a popularly elected president in the process. (Remember the witch-hunt that was Clinton's impeachment over a blow-job?) The problem is, the Republicans don't know how to govern. When they are in power, they constantly trip over themselves, committing one disastrous mistake after another. But it doesn't matter, they want to be in control, and they think that if they can defeat Obama on health care reform, it will open the doors to Congressional defeats for Democrats this fall and will give them a leg-up on the presidential race for 2012.

2. If health care reform passes, the insurance industry and big pharma's ability to rig the American system in their favor in the quest for ever-increasing financial profits will be seriously curtailed. And whose constituents are the insurance and pharmaceutical industries, the big banks and big business? The Republicans. The insurance lobby has spents millions in the past year to defeat health care reform, and Republicans, (and some Democrats like Blanche Lincoln), are only too happy to line their pockets.

3. But here's the main reason why the Republicans don't want health care reform. Now listen to this carefully, but you will NEVER hear a Republican admit this in public. THEY... DO... NOT... CARE... ABOUT... YOU! Did you get that? The Republicans, despite their demogoguery about all they do "for the American people", they simply do not care about the American people. Well, that's not completely true. They care about their own families, and they care about the people who can help them make more money, but outside of their monied circles, they have a real disdain for and prejudice against middle America. You think this is a myth? Really? Well, then, just name one significant piece of social legislation created by and passed by the Republicans in the past 100 years. You can't because there are none. The Republicans always want to maintain the status quo, which roughly translates into: "I got mine, now I don't care about you."
Seriously, they don't believe in universal health care for all. It's as simple as that. They believe that if someone doesn't have health insurance, it's that person's own fault, and that person is to be blamed. The Repub's have historically had a very narrow view of society, "if you don't have what I have, it's somehow your fault. So screw you." The Republicans hate welfare, and they fought tooth and nail against social security and medicare when those social programs became law decades ago. Never mind the irony that the Repub's hate welfare for individuals but line-up for their own corporate welfare, and that if you now try to take away their own social security or medicare, you get signs at tea-bagger rallys which read, "Get Your Government Hands Off My Medicare!" But that's the key to being a successful Republican, you have to have an innate talent at mentally blocking out all concepts of hypocrisy; a Repub. must keep his eyes on the prize, plowing ahead with his own, backwoods view of the world and society no matter how laughable those views eventually become.
So don't be surprised at all the vicious and unrelenting attacks on health care reform coming from tiny minds like Sen. Lindsey Graham's. He and his friends, let us repeat this lest you fall for their trap, they do not care about you, they do not care if you have health care, and they do not think that health care is a universal right for all. That is, until one of them loses his job, and someone in his family gets sick. But until that happens, gird your loins, the attacks and the nastiness from Lindsey and his fellow cave-dwellers is only going to ratchet up in the new couple of weeks.

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