Sunday, March 21, 2010

Who Will Don the Skintight Spandex?

The quest to cast the title role of Marvel/Disney's upcoming movie, "The First Avenger: Captain America", has finally come to an end. And it looks like Chris Evans, ("Fantastic Four"), will be playing the Nazi fighter and spreader of all-American values, Steve Rogers, and his pumped-up alter ego, Captain America.
The casting process dragged on for several weeks, with many young actors being considered and/or being tested. Some of the choices were obvious, some not so. If only the director, Joe Johnston, (Jurassic Park III), had asked us about who he should cast, we could have saved him a lot of time.
If you're looking for someone to play a handsome, muscular, all-American looking superhero, we've got a novel idea: how about looking for a handsome, muscular, all-American looking actor? It might just work. So in that regard, Chris Evans is the perfect choice. Plus, Evans has played a superhero twice, in the two "Fantastic Four" films, so he's familiar with the special effects rigors of playing that particular type of role. Evans had some close competition, though, as many reported that Ryan Phillippe and Channing Tatum were also seriously considered. But some of the other casting possibilities have us scratching our heads.



(left-channing tatum;
right-ryan phillippe)


The also-rans:
1. In the "What in God's Name Were They Thinking?" Category, the contenders were John Krasinski, (The Office): sorry, but the word 'handsome' and this guy's face have never been in the same room together; Patrick Flueger, ("The 4400"): way too odd looking; Michael Cassidy, ("Smallville"), looks like a 12 year-old and has the same amount of sex appeal, i.e. none; Sebastian Stan, ("Gossip Girl"): Hey, girl, the gossip is that when you make it through puberty, then maybe; Chace Crawford, ("Gossip Girl"): no body and way too effeminate.
(john krasinski, patrick flueger, michael cassidy, sebastian stan, chace crawford)
If these guys were tested for a superhero role, that says one thing, clearly a straight, middle-aged man is directing, who else would think these guys are sexy? And can you imagine the amount of time it would take to pump up these scrawny bodies into any kind of superhero shape? Forget it, they'd have to spend half their budget on padding.
2. In the "Close But No Cigar" Category, the contenders were Wilson Bethel, ("The Young and The Restless"), Scott Porter, ("Friday Night Lights"), Mike Vogel, ("Miami Medical"), and Garrett Hedlund, ("Four Brothers").
(wilson bethel, scott porter, mike vogel, garrett hedlund)
Okay, at least these possibilities are not laughable. They're all good looking, they already have a head-start on having decent bodies. If we had to guess, they were probably eliminated from the running because they just didn't have enough "star power". Or maybe they just couldn't act.
3. And in the "Duh!" Category, in other words, the guys who are more than obvious choices, we've got Robert Buckley, "(Lipstick Jungle"), Taylor Lautner, ("Twilight") and Kellen Lutz, ("Twilight").

Robert Buckley was considered for the role, but his acting skills are questionable at best. We have no idea, though, why the Twilight studs weren't considered. It could have something to do with the fact that the person who took the role had to agree to a nine-film commitent. Nine films for one franchise? Holy crap! Even the Planet of the Apes franchise only made five films.
But good luck to Chris Evans. We're not complaining about anything that gives us a chance to see him in skin-tight spandex.
(chris evans)

But just for the hell of it, can we look at Robert Buckley one last time?

(robert buckley)

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