Monday, March 15, 2010

Why Isn't This Man Hosting "The Tonight Show"?

We really love it when U.S. Rep. Alan Grayson, Democrat from Florida, appears on the political talk shows. Not only is he not afraid to give it to the Republicans, but he usually does it with incredibly funny humor. Look up the word "witty" in the dictionary, and this guy's picture would be there.
Anyway, probably because of his very funny insults of Republicans lately, none other than Sarah Palin wandered down to Grayson's home district on Friday and in a speech to supporters, urged the voters to oust Rep. Grayson.
Grayon, never a shrinking violet, has shot back, saying that "he was impressed she (Palin) was able to fit his entire name on her hand. I look forward to an honest debate with Governor Palin on the issues, in the unlikely event that she ever learns anything about them." His campaign added that "[s]cientists are studying Sarah Palin's travel between Alaska and Florida carefully. They hope to learn more about the flight patterns of that elusive migratory species, the wild Alaskan dingbat."
Now that shit is funny!

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