Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Douche of the Day

Just a couple of days ago, we wrote that Ryan Seacrest might be a douche in some sort of emotional distress, turns out, he's just a douche.
The whole world was alerted to what a hero Seacrest was when he talked American Idol contestant and front-runner, Crystal Bowersox, into staying on the show when she was considering leaving. Great for Seacrest, right? Could it be that he spends a second or two of his day actually thinking about someone other than himself? Could be. But oh wait, there's more.

What we weren't told, until the press found out later, was that Seacrest leaked the story to the press himself. Bowersox was not happy, as indicated by her text to fellow contestant Katelynn Epperly, "I'm fine . . . betrayed by Seacrest!", which Epperly then related to a Des Moines radio station.
(crystal bowersox)
Seacrest, Seacrest, Seacrest, oh girl, the lesson we hope you learn from this incident is that any good deed you might have accidentally stumbled upon doing is seriously undermined when you can't wait to crow to the world about what a great guy you are for doing it. And for this, you are definitely our Douche of the Day.

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