It's hard to understand exactly the scheme that Goldman cooked up, even financial experts admit to not even understanding it fully. It has something to do with Goldman selling securities which were backed by those infamous toxic subprime loans, but then betting against those securities, while not disclosing to their very customers their bets. In other words, it's like a car salesman selling you a car that he knows is a lemon, and then taking out an insurance policy for when that cars breaks down, so that when the car collapses, the car salesman collects the insurance money. Goldman made millions from this scheme.
But even though we're not financial experts, and we certainly don't understand how Wall Street works, we do know right from wrong, and if this is what Goldman did, it's wrong, wrong, wrong. Which is why Congress is now trying to pass financial reform, to make sure that something like this doesn't happen again. But guess who's blocking that financial reform bill? Yes, you know it's coming, the Republicans.
Don't you love it? The Republicans really believe they deserve the right to hold power in Congress, but yet they blocked health care for Americans, and now they're siding with the big banks over the American tax payers. The extent to which the Republican party is tone deaf, absolutely out of touch with anything of interest to mainstream America, is shocking. Maybe we should tell the Republicans we'll vote for them this fall, and then take out insurance policies for when they lose their elections. We'll make millions!
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