Happy 32nd Birthday to one of the sexiest men in Hollywood, James Franco. Franco is an immensely talented and charismatic actor, but have you noticed how he rarely plays the lead in his films? He's almost always relegated to supporting roles and character parts. What's up with that? This guy has leading man stuff written all over him. Come on, Hollywood, we want to see this boy get the girl... or the boy.

James was recently outspoken about his support for gay marriage, another reason why we absolutely love this man.
(Click on "Actors-James Franco" in the Labels list to read the post.)
James was fantastic in "Milk" with Sean Penn, and he can currently be seen in Tina Fey and Steve Carell's movie, "Date Night". Upcoming projects include "Howl" in which he plays the infamous Alan Ginsberg, and a small role, (again!) in Julia Robert's next big one, "Eat Pray Love".

Recently another actor, Ryan Phillipe, announced that he was confused by life, that he thought he'd understand more about life than what he does at his current age. This coupled with the slew of other young Hollywood types who don't seem to know what to do with their lives other than screw them up made us wonder recently, and made us want to ask them all a question, "Have you ever tried reading a book?" James Franco is obviously not heading down the same path as he just been accepted into Yale University's Ph.D. program in English. A dummy this boy is not.

Smart and sexy. Wow. Is there anything more attractive than that? Take notes, Ryan Phillippe.
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