Monday, May 24, 2010

Guys We Love

In the current issue of GQ Magazine, after we finished ogling Oguchi Onyewu, (see post below), on the very next pages were a fashion editorial featuring a model at whom we kept staring and thinking, "Where have we seen this guy before?" And then we realized the model is Mark Salling, the actor who plays "Puck" on the mega-popular Fox t.v. show, "Glee". We were wondering when someone would notice that this guy is really good looking.
Mark doesn't get a lot of lines on "Glee", but the ones he gets are killer. In one episode, when asked what Madonna represented to them, the club members wrote, "singer", "inspiration", "legend", etc., while Puck wrote "MILF Hall of Fame". In last week's episode, each club member was asked to write down his/her life goal. Some wrote "singer", "teacher", "help solve global warming", and Puck wrote "threesome". So funny. We love this guy.

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