
But back to Boehner and the war in Iraq and Afghanistan; we're going to have to decide, once and for all, what our strategy is in the Middle East, and then make a plan and stick to it. We never should have gone into Iraq, almost everyone agrees on that point now, but the problem is what to do with Afghanistan. We should have gone in and come out in a short amount of time, but we didn't. Bush and Cheney sold us a bill of goods based on fear, that if we didn't stay over there, "the terrorists would come over here". Well, now we've been there for almost a decade, we've spent a trillion dollars, lost thousands of lives, and we're no closer to achieving our goals there than we were years ago. Actually, back that up, we never had any measurable goals there, and it's lunacy that we're still there. The main argument against pulling out now is that the country would devolve into civil war, and that thousands of innocent people would be slaughtered. You mean the way that thousands of innocent people are dying now, in the middle of our "war"? We can't be the world's policeman, we can't referee other country's civil wars. But if you disagree and think that we should stay in Afghanistan to protect the people from a civil war, then you're going to have to explain why we don't intercede in other countries where thousands are being slaughtered, i.e. Sudan, North Korea, etc. Let's face it, we have no real plan for Afghanistan; we're just ambling about, hoping to kill a few more "terrorists" and somehow hope that "everything will get better". Don't hold your breath. Meanwhile, get ready to tell grandma and grandpa that they have to keep working, because, according to John Boehner, they're going to have start helping to pay for that war in Afghanistan.
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