Saturday, August 7, 2010

Heidi Klum Kicks Michaele Salahi's Ass

Two days ago we mentioned that two powerful season premieres were going head to head against each other, the debut of "The Real Housewives of DC" and season 8 of "Project Runway". We actually thought "DC" would kick some ass in the ratings, thanks to the dust up on "The View" between Whoopie Goldberg and DC Housewife, White House Party Crasher, Michaele Salahi. But we got a surprise, the DC Housewives only attracted 1.628 million viewers while the Runway scored 2.625 viewers. Another highly anticipated show which premiered on Thursday night, "On The Road with Austin and Santino", featuring two "Project Runway" alums, scored almost as many viewers the Housewives, with 1.080 viewers. The biggest cable winner for the night, though, was the USA Network's "Burn Notice", which attracted 5.687 viewers, beating even "The Jersey Shore". We've loved "Burn Notice" from the very beginning, and with those numbers, it looks like the show will be around for awhile.
(jeffrey donovan and gabrielle anwar of "burn notice")
On Friday, many t.v. critics were trying to come up with reasons as to why "The Real Housewives of DC" proved to be so unpopular with viewers. Some tried to even make a connection between the current low approval ratings of Congress with and the fact that anything associated with Washington, D.C. would be similarly viewed. But we're guessing that's a stretch, after all, t.v. is not rocket science. We've be saying it for awhile now, the whole "Housewives" thing is getting old, fast. Americans can only stomach trash t.v. for so long before they tire of it and move on. And Bravo has been playing a dangerous game, running episodes of their "Housewives" series ad nauseum, sometimes literally 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Stupid, catfighting women are fun, as delicious as chocolate ice cream, but like trying to eat chocolate ice cream every day, sooner or later, one day you're going to want some vanilla.

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