Sunday, August 15, 2010

I'm a Zit! Get it?

In a recent National Public Radio piece, a discussion was held about which movie "meal" scenes were the most famous. The obvious ones were mentioned, from Hannibal Lecter's "I ate his liver with some fahva beans and a nice chianti" in "The Silence of the Lambs", to Meg Ryan's lunchtime "I'll have what she's having" fake orgasm in "When Harry Met Sally", to the arrival of John Hurt's unexpected dinner guest in "Alien".

Honorable mentions should go to the dangerous meal of beans around the campfire in "Blazing Saddles", Paul Newman eating the 50th egg in "Cool Hand Luke", and of course, the scenes in "Citizen Kane" in which Charles Foster Kane and his wife sit farther and farther apart at a long dinner table, which symbolized their emotional distance. That "Citizen Kane" scene, alone, has been copied in hundreds of other films.
But to us, the best movie "meal" scene of all time was when John Belushi impersonated a zit and then started a food fight in the Faber College cafeteria in "Animal House". That one still makes us laugh. Classic.

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