Monday, September 6, 2010

Did You Dance To This at Traxx in D.C.?

Happy 41st Birthday to Ce Ce Peniston, who had a massive hit in 1992 with "Finally". It's a little depressing to think that the babies born the year we were dancing to this song at Traxx in D.C. are now freshman in college, but hey, that's life!
At the peak of her popularity, Peniston, the 1989 winner of the Miss Black Arizona title, sang for Pope John Paul II and at Bill Clinton's inauguration. "Finally" peaked at #5 and was prominently featured in the 1994 hit movie, "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert". The song sold over 3 million copies, making it one of the biggest dance records of all time. Peniston has most recently acted in several stage productions, in two independent films and is working to release a new album.

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