Sunday, September 26, 2010

Where Have We Seen This Before?

A few years back, just before a previous mid-term election, when the Republicans were throwing out crazy statements like Shriners throwing candy at a 4th of July parade, actress Jeanine Garafolo appeared on a t.v. show and said, "Wow, if after hearing all those statements, you still want to vote Republican, you have a mental deficiency." Well, after hearing some statements made today by Indiana Congressman Mike Pence and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell on the Sunday morning talk shows, we think that if you still want to vote Republican this November, you not only have a mental deficiency, but you can also be branded as the biggest sucker in the known world.
Pence was pressed by David Gregory on "Meet The Press" for specifics on how he would cut the deficit yet still cut taxes, and what tough spending decisions he would make to help cut the deficit. He couldn't come up with one single answer. Not one. This is also the same Mike Pence who just a few days ago rolled out the Republican "Pledge to America", which featured a call to action to help small businesses, then promptly went to Congress and led Republicans in a vote against Pres. Obama's Small Business Package which would have given tax credits to small businesses. Wow.
Meanwhile, Mitch "The Turtle" McConnell was on "This Week" and when asked by Christine Amanpour if he thought some of Sharon Angle's statements like "there are enemies in Congress and they must rooted out", was a little crazy sounding, McConnell refused to denounce Angle. Amanpour also asked McConnell what qualifications Angle and Christine O'Donnell had to be a U.S. Senators, and McConnell answered, "Well, they won their elections." Again: Wow.
Listen, people, this is really simple. Republicans want power, of that there is no doubt, but they don't seem to have any idea what they would do with that power, other than continue to deregulate big business and Wall Street and continue to reward their wealthy friends with more and more advantages, even as the gap between the rich and poor in America continues to widen to record levels.
If you fall for this stuff, as we said, you're not only going to be the biggest sucker on earth, but you're going to end up getting everything you deserve. Be careful what you wish for.

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