Friday, October 29, 2010

Bizarro World

In one of the biggest "WTF" moments of the year, Gretchen won "Project Runway" last night over fellow contestants, Mondo and Andy. We just wrote yesterday that her win was a bit of a joke, but we wondered if there was anyone out there who actually thought that Gretchen's bland, dirt brown peasant dresses should have won over Mondo and Andy's more colorful, "high fashion" efforts. And the answer to that question would be "no". Go to any of the websites which wrote about Gretchen's win last night and the readers' comments are currently running about 99% to 1% in the belief that Gretchen should not have won. One of the most interesting comments was from a reader on one website which reminded us that judges Michael Kors and Nina Garcia chastised the designers all season long that "this is a runway show, not a ready-to-wear show", yet when the time came to select a winner, they argued outright that Gretchen should win because her looks were more "ready-to-wear". Wow. We'll say it again, Mondo, you wuz robbed!
For one of the funniest riffs on the evil Gretchen, go to and read former Project Runway contestant Laura Bennett's take on the show's finale.

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