Monday, October 4, 2010

Why Doesn't Our Grandmother and Daddy Look Like This?

A few weeks ago we wrote that Liza Minelli turned 64, which means that she's just one more year away from a life of lying on the couch all day, eating bons bons, living off the government dole. At least until the Republicans turn us all out on the street, that is. Anyway, another Hollywood star who turns 64 today is the incredibly sexy Susan Sarandon. Oscar-winner Sarandon first charmed us in "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" in 1975, thrilled us in "Thelma and Louise" in 1991, and finally secured her Oscar for the devastating "Dead Man Walking" in 1995. Miss Sarandon can currently be seen in "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps", and next up is a film called "Jeff Who Lives At Home" with Ed Helms and Jason Segel.

But we'd be remiss if we celebrated Hollywood birthdays and failed to recognize the special day for one of the sexiest men in the business, Clive Owen, who turned 46 yesterday. We first fell in love with Clive when he played a gay Nazi concentration camp inmate in 1997's "Bent", but he got the attention of critics the following year with his role in "Croupier". He finally became famous when he appeared in the very popular "Gosford Park" in 2001 and received his lone Oscar nomination for 2004's "Closer". Owen often plays cold-hearted men of spare emotions, but he took a turn at something very different when he played a widowed father in 2009's "The Boys Are Back". We don't know if that film even made it to the theaters, but we happened to see it in Hollywood at a Screen Actors Guild screening, and Clive was phenomenal in it. Catch it on DVD if you get the chance, you'll be surprised by his performance. Next up for the very sexy Mr. Owen is a role in the Jason Statham action flick, "The Killer Elite", but the one which we can't wait to see is called, "Hemingway and Gellhorn", in which Clive plays Ernest Hemingway and Nicole Kidman plays his World War II lover Martha Gellhorn.

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