Friday, October 1, 2010

A Jolly Holiday with Mary

Happy 75th Birthday today to one of the biggest stars in the world, Julie Andrews. Andrews has starred in many classic films, from "The Sound of Music" to "Mary Poppins" to "Victor/Victoria". "The Sound of Music" was the Best Picture Oscar winner of 1965, and to this day remains one of the biggest money-making movies of all time. Who hasn't seen this movie dozens of times? If you can't sing along with at least one of the songs from "The Sound of Music", you need help.
Andrews was considered a "lightweight" actress during her heyday of the 1960's, because despite being nominated for Oscars, she met the fate of many actors who appeared primarily in musicals and light comedies: she wasn't taken seriously. But she was very beloved, and when her Broadway role of Eliza Doolittle went to Audrey Hepburn for the movie of "My Fair Lady", which at the time was considered something of a crime in the entertainment community, the Oscar voters gave Andrews the Best Actress Oscar of 1964 for "Mary Poppins" as, what many consider, a "make-up" Oscar, as a reward to Julie for her Doolittle role being robbed from her.



(julie andrews and
audrey hepburn at
the 1965 Oscars)
But for whatever reason Julie Andrews has won awards, in our opinion, she hasn't won enough of them. We love this lady, but who doesn't?
Happy birthday, Julie Andrews!

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