Thursday, October 28, 2010

Mondo Wuz Robbed!

Oh... My... God. Project Runway Season 8 just came to an end, and all we can say is that judges Michael Kors and Nina Garcia must have spent most of the runway show in the ladies bathroom huffing glue and slamming their heads against the wall, because they actually gave the season's win to the amazingly talentless Gretchen, otherwise known as the "Ego That Wouldn't Die". Yes, we know, you were all screaming at your t.v. sets in disbelief, as were we, when the announcement of the winner was made, and the clear winner, Mondo, was robbed beyond belief. Never in a million years did we think the drab, brown peasant dresses that sprang from Gretchen's uninspired mind would actually win the show, but sometimes that parallel universe that we think only exists in nightmares actually appears on our t.v. screens. The judging segment was so forced and so artificial, it actually had the feeling that, for some reason, the show's producers had decided weeks ago that Gretchen would win the show, and now the judges had to justify their "decision" for the t.v. cameras. Michael and Nina's arguments as to why Gretchen should win sounded so hollow and insincere; at one point they even argued that she had the best jewelry. Yes, right, accessories determined this year's winner. Unbelievable. But hey, it's okay, at least Gretchen now has the money to get the psychological help she so desperately needs, or at least buy more monochrome brown print fabric. And we're sure the fashion world is breathlessly awaiting what she'll do next with earth-toned granny panties. Ummm.

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