Much is being made of the new, young Republicans who are currently in, or about to be in, the U.S. Congress. "The Young Guns" are a group of bright, good looking men of the Republican persuasion who are smooth, charismatic and who sound great, but don't be fooled, these guys are just as evil as Dick Cheney ever hoped to be. They really are devils in disguise.
The young congressman getting a lion's share of the attention is Illinois Representative Aaron Schock, who at 29, is the youngest person ever elected to Congress, and is the first U.S. Congressman born in the 1980's. He's so good looking that GQ Magazine has already published a fashion editorial with him. And that body, wow, you have to give it to him, he does look good with his shirt off. When a photo emerged of him poolside in a swimsuit, with a very large woman's rack on his head, political journalists everywhere immediately awarded Schock with the title of "the hottest Congressman".
But as young Schock was moving quickly from the Peoria, Illinois School Board to the halls of D.C. power, and feeding his body to peak perfection, somewhere along the way he forgot to feed his brain as well. Schock, despite looking like a gay pin-up fantasy, is decidedly anti-gay. He has gone on record opposing hate crime legislation which would include "sexual orientation", is opposed to gay marriage and opposes the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell". Wow. How is someone that young so homophobic? Whatever happened to all that talk of how "today's younger generation has absolutely no problem with someone being gay"? Evidently, Schock missed that memo.
In another infamous photo incident, when Schock appeared at a fundraiser wearing a purple shirt with a turquoise belt, many speculated that his bad fashion sense meant that he was gay. Schock couldn't apologize for the fashion faux pas fast enough. Schock made it very clear that he never meant to give the impression that he was gay, as if that would be a horrible thing. Banish the thought. What's with this guy? He's obviously spent a lot of time in gyms, what, did a hot gym queen once drop his towel in front of Schock and try to make the steam room even steamier, creating an instant aversion for Schock to all those things that might actually interest him but which would destroy his political career? Oh now, listen to us, trying to play psychiatrist. We won't go there, but we do know that young men like Aaron Schock are in the minority in this country, and as Schock ages, and hopefully at some point experiences something akin to real life, he'll find that the number paranoid homophobes like him is growing smaller and smaller and smaller. What will he do then?

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