Friday, November 5, 2010

Give This Guy a Job!

The country's unemployment numbers don't seem to going down, and unfortunately this year's t.v. season is not helping any. Already four major network shows have bitten the dust, and the newest actor to join the ranks of those with nothing to do with their days is Boris Kodjoe, star of the just-cancelled "Undercovers". There were high hopes of NBC's "Undercovers", it was produced by J.J. Abrams, who just had a mega-hit with "Lost", but evidently, even the most talented in Hollywood can't tell the difference between an interesting and boring story; the viewing public stayed away fromt the show in droves. And it had to be the story that was lacking, because let's face it, there's no one in their right mind who wouldn't tune in just to look at Boris Kodjoe. Right? Let's hope this guy gets another job soon, he definitely needs to be on our t.v. screen.


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