The Republicans took back control of the House, which means that John Boehner will probably be The Speaker of the House. But we have a concern: how will Boehner be able to put in all those hundreds of hours on the golf course and still do the work of the people? Let's hope this doesn't hurt his golf game. Or his tan.

But wait! Not so fast. Crazy lady Michele Bachmann is making noise that she might challenge for a position of leadership in the House. Oh god, we hope so!
The pundits of MSNBC interviewed several Republican leaders last night while the results were coming in, and the pundits asked each of them where they would cut government spending. Because you see, the Repub's ran on the pledge to "cut wasteful spending!" There was only one problem; not one, single Repub could name a single program where they would cut spending. And this is where you need to start being skeered: they're not naming any cuts either because, 1. they have no idea where they'd make cuts, which means they're completely clueless, or 2. they don't dare say in public where they'd make cuts, i.e. Social Security, Medicare, The Dept. of Education, etc. Which is worse? Scared yet?
Someone asked John Boehner if the Repubs were going to continue to be "the party of Big Business", and he said with a straight face, now get this, that "the Republicans are not the party of Big Business, they're the party of Main Street". You know, as in: The Repubs care about the "little people". Oh, wow. The fact that Boehner can say something like that with a straight face is awe-inspiring. Yes, the Repubs care about the little people, that's why they can't wait to get rid of your new Health Care, extend tax cuts for the wealthist Americans and continue to deregulate Wall Street and Big Business so those institutions have a free rein to do whatever they want. Sounds just like a repeat of the Bush years, and we don't know about you, but we can't wait to relive the Bush years. Ummm.
Okay, all kidding aside, we're not suprised at how craven the Republicans are, and some Democrats, what always surprises us is the naivete of the American people. Less than two years after the historically disastrous years of Bush and the Republicans, the American people voted those people right back into power. It really is motherfucking astounding. Yesterday we said something about if the Republicans ever actually voted for legislation which rewarded the "little guy", we'd eat our shorts. Well, today we have to say to those people who voted for Republicans yesterday is that if you really believe that John Boehner, Michele Bachmann and Rand Paul are ever going to care about you and your "main street" issues, then you have to eat your own shorts.
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