Thursday, December 2, 2010

The Dirty Genius of Cee Lo Green

Yesterday the nominations were announced for the 2011 Grammy Awards, and we were thrilled to see that our favorite song of the year, "Fuck You" by Cee Lo, got a Song of the Year and Record of the Year nomination. Despite its tawdry lyrics, that song is pure pop genius.
We don't much care for going over the list of other nominations here, the Grammys stopped being relevant a long, long time ago. Several years ago the Grammys stopped rewarding real artistic achievement and just started recognizing the most popular artists of the year, and/or whomever sold the most records. Eminem got ten nominations, and Katy Perry got a nod for Album of the Year? Bitch, please! And when rap music dominates the Grammys the way that it is this year, let's just say the state of pop music is in real, serious trouble. With modern pop music being in this much dispair, we're really surprised that Justin Bieber didn't get a Best Album nod. Oh wait, he's nominated for Best New Artist. Oh my. Elvis, John Lennon and Buddy Holly must be turning over in their graves.

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