Monday, January 10, 2011

Anne Hathaway Won't Be Showing Up At The Scientology Coffee Clatch, Either

On a much lighter note than the Arizona shooting, thank god, we turn to the world of entertainment for a really funny story. It has been reported that Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes might boycott the Oscars this year. Are they upset because neither Tom nor Katie is going to receive a nomination this year, or they're entertaining the troops in Afghanistan during that time, or working at U.S. food banks which desperately need food contributions? No, a much more important reason: evidently Tom and Katie are still simmering with anger over Anne Hathaway's comedic impersonation of Katie in a "Saturday Night Live" skit a few months back, and with Hathaway as a co-host of the Oscar show, well, you guessed it, it's just all too painful for Tom and Katie to attend. Oh, Jesus!


Get a life, Tom and Katie. And while you're at it, read a book, get a college degree, help someone less fortunate than yourselves, and hopefully, in the process, you'll get over yourselves. Jesus!
(anne hathaway doing katie holmes
on "saturday night live")

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