Saturday, March 19, 2011

Five Men and a Lady

One of our favorite fashion photographers, Matthias Vriens-McGrath, does it again, this time for Stern Fashion Magazine.
Vriens-McGrath's editorial for Stern is very similar to one he shot recently for S Magazine, which you can see by clicking here.
We mentioned in the previous post about the state of how sexuality is portrayed in mainstream imagery, and how a double standard is still applied when it comes to hetero vs. homo sexuality. And while we'd like to see that double standard come to an end, we'd like to make it clear that we're definitely not complaining about these images or Vriens-McGrath's work. These images are gorgeous, and the photographer is unbelievably talented. We're just waiting for the day in which the female model in these images has to run to the mall for more mascara, and in her absence, the hot, young, sweaty gardener comes in from mowing the lawn and takes her place at this party. Whew. What were we talking about?

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