Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cannes 2011

The 2011 Cannes Film Festival is underway. Cannes, which Americans have never decided whether to pronounce as "can" or "cawn", has been one of the world's most glamorous celebrity events since it began in 1946. As well as providing the world a chance to preview new movies, the festival is famous for being a paparazzi's orgasmic dream; stars are expected to pose for celebrity photographers, and over the years, they've always obliged. The event has become such a must-event for the world's paparazzi that their throng has grown from 700 in 1966 to over 3500 today. Wow.

(above: cannes 2011 - woody allen, owen wilson, rachel mcadams)

carlo ponti and sophia loren; alain delon

grace kelly; elizabeth taylor

alfred hitchcock and tippi hedren; warren beatty and natalie wood

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