Friday, May 20, 2011

Djokovic: King of the World

When your career as a pro athlete is on a red hot high, and the whole world is watching your every move, doors open. And what do you do when those doors open? If you're Novak Djokovic, you walk through them. Just this week alone, Djokovic has shown up at The Cannes Film Festival with his gorgeous girlfriend on his arm, and he's now appearing in Vogue Magazine, shot by the famous fashion photographer Norman Jean Roy. It's all very glamorous, but in just a few days, Djokovic has go to work at The French Open, where he'll try to break John McEnroe's 27 year old record of a 42-0 start to a tennis year. Djokovic is currently at 37-0 for the year, but something tells us he might gladly give up the record if he could only win The French Open, where he's never been beyond the semi-finals.

On a related note, we were alerted to Novak's Vogue Magazine appearance while reading one of our favorite websites,, where an associate editor for Tennis Magazine, Sarah Thurmond, wrote what has to be one of the dumbest articles we've ever read. We're not sure how Miss Thurmond got her job as a writer, but having an enlightened world view is not one of the reasons. She cranks on about how Norman Jean Roy shot Djokovic and fellow Serbian tennis star, Ana Ivanovic, (we're guessing she doesn't even know who Norman Jean Roy is), and she complains about the swimsuits the two are wearing, even describing Djokovic's bikini as a "stereotypical Eurotrash swimsuit". Wow. Someone might want to tell Miss Thurmond that Europeans don't really like being called "Eurotrash" any better than she would like to be called a "dumb, white redneck", and someone might want to tell her there's a big ol' world out there, beyond the boundaries of her Wal-Mart parking lot, and incredibly, all those people in "them other counties" aren't beholden to our naive and sometimes backward American views of sexuality and prudishness about our bodies. She might be shocked to find out that someone like Novak Djokovic, (a European), might, not only wear a Speedo in the pages of Vogue, but also might actually wear one on a real beach while swimming, and no one, other than Miss Thurmond would give it a second thought. Put down that strawberry douche and can of "Viennie" sausages you found on sale at your local Wal-Mart, Miss Thurmond, and get your head out of your ass.

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