Thursday, December 20, 2012

Slipping Through The Cracks

Oops!  We knew we'd do this at some point.  With the slew of critics groups announcing their 2012 Best in Film awards all within three weeks of each other, we knew we'd miss one.  And this past Sunday, The Kansas City Film Critics Circle announced their winners, and somehow we completely missed it.

(tommy lee jones in "lincoln")

Kansas City went for "The Master" as Best Picture, and they gave Daniel Day-Lewis, "Lincoln", his fifteenth win of the year for Best Actor. Jennifer Lawrence, "Silver Linings Playbook", picked up her seventh Best Actress win, and Anne Hathaway, "Les Miserables", grabbed her eleventh for Best Supporting Actress. The midwestern critics selected Philip Seymour Hoffman, "The Master", for Best Supporting Actor, which now puts him in a tie with Tommy Lee Jones, "Lincoln", with six wins each.

Our thoughts at this point in the Oscar race: Anne Hathaway has won the bulk of the critics awards for Best Supporting Actress, and "Les Miserables" is expected to do major box office when it's released on Christmas Day.  But here's the elephant in the room.  Many critics are giving the film terrible reviews, and they're singling out Hathaway as particularly bad.  So will Oscar voters have a last minute come-to-Jesus moment, and think twice about rewarding an actor in a role which is considered by many to be embarrassingly bad?

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