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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Republican Titty Baby

"Titty Baby" is a term used in the South to describe someone who whines and complains ad naseum. Or a good way to describe Norm Coleman and his fellow Minnesota Republicans as it becomes clearer that Al Franken will take the Minnesota Senate race.
As Coleman's options run out to challenge Franken's win, the state's Republicans have begun to release statements indicating that Al Franken is so hated in Minnesota that he can never represent the state in an effective manner, as Alexander Burns has documented on Politico.com.
Okay, first, let me explain to the Minnesota Republicans why Norm Coleman lost. He voted with Bush and the national Republicans 79.3% of the time, and that's not counting the votes he missed. In his first two years in office, he voted with his party 90% of the time. Case closed.
Listen, Norm, America is sick of the Republicans; we were first unnerved with the bumbling, goofy, misguided notions of Ronald Reagan, then our nervousness turned to nausea when we witnessed the bitter and vindictive politics of Tom DeLay, Newt Gingrich, Henry Hyde, Dick Armey, etc., and then that nausea turned to outrage after watching eight years of Bush and Cheney fuck up everything they touched. And as if Dick Cheney has decided he's not reviled enough, now he's going on a national revisionist tour in which he states that his administration accomplished a lot of good and that he can think of nothing for which he should apologize. It's one thing to be hateful, Dick, but to proud of it is something for which you should be evaluated at Bellvue.
So Norm, let me put it to you straight, the Republican Party of Ronald Reagan, Tom Delay and Dick Cheney is dead. And it won't be coming back. There will be a Republican Party which will emerge from the ashes, but it won't be the same Party as before. And for people like you who don't get it, that America is sick of the vile and the petty, you will lose your next election and every other election after that. In fact, you losing the current election didn't even really have anything to do with Al Franken; at this point any Minnesotan would have defeated you, even that guy in "Fargo" who put Steve Buscemi in the wood chipper.

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