If you're wondering, like us, what the Tea Party movement is really all about, all you had to do was listen to Joe Miller this morning, and you'd hear all you need to know. Chris Wallace asked him what he would do to help the millions of Americans who are unemployed, because the Tea Baggers were vehemently against the recent extension of unemployment benefits. Miller launched into a vague lecture about "entitlement programs" in America. Wallace brought him back, saying that Miller didn't answer his question, and so Wallace him again what he would do to help the millions of unemployed. Miller again evaded the question and kept talking about how the federal money that is spent on social security and unemployment benefits should be returned to the states. In other words, this is all you need to know about the Republicans/Tea Baggers: they don't have any answers to help the unemployed. Or any other answers, for that matter.
If just once, we heard an actual idea for a solution to any of America's problems from any of these angry, self-righteous Tea Baggers, then we'd be able to have a reasonal, rational debate about solving America's problems. But that's the point, the Tea Baggers don't have any ideas. Oh sure, they're angry, and they blame the unemployed for their problems, calling them lazy, and naively see all entitlement programs as "welfare", but listen carefully, you never hear any actual ideas or answers to our problems. They like to judge and punish, but they have absolutely no answers.
Oh, but here's the biggest kick, and another very telling moment in attempting to understand the warped mindset of the Tea Baggers. Only seconds after railing against entitlement programs, Joe Miller said to Chris Wallace that he favored letting "his parents keep their social security because they're dependent on that income." Bingo. And there you have it, the real peek through the keyhole into the tiny minds of the Republican right wing. They hate all entitlement programs except for their own. While they fought against federally funded health care for regular Americans, they get their own health care through Congress, i.e. from our tax dollars, and while they didn't want to extend unemployment benefits for regular Americans, they are fighting like crazy for their own tax cuts. Come on, people, get real. If you're honestly thinking about voting Republican this November, then trust us, you'll get everything you deserve, and it won't be pretty.

Oh, and by the way, why in God's name is Bill Kristol still being asked his opinion, on anything? He's one of the most widely discredited political thinkers since Joe McCarthy, but there he is, every Sunday on Chris Wallace's show. Right beside Liz Cheney.
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