Monday, May 31, 2010

The Daughter of Darkness

What is it about the Republican Party that it seems to attract so many bat-shit crazy women? Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Marsha Blackburn, Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, and you can definitely add a new name to that pantheon of brain power, Liz Cheney. Yes, that's right, Liz Cheney, better known as the daughter of Dracula, spawn of Satan, clone of Darth Vadar, or even worse, she's simply known by some as Dick Cheney's little girl. Look at this photo of the fearsome twosome, she even has his smirk down.
Look, we know she's out of her mind, so much so that not too many serious people in politics pay much attention to her, which, of course, means that she's a regular contributor at Fox News. Yesterday on "Fox News Sunday", there she was, calling for an investigation into the "Sestak Affair", the charge being made in some circles that the White House offered Joe Sestak a job if he would agree not to run against Arlen Spector in the recent Pennsylvania Democratic Primary for the Senate. Really, Liz? Now this is a woman who defended her father when he held secret meetings with oil company executives and has refused to divulge the topics of conversation at those meetings, even though some suspect that government policy was formulated in those meetings which further deregulated the oil industry, and which led directly to the current BP oil spill scandal. She defended her father in the Valerie Plame Outing Scandal, and she defended her father during the Federal Prosecutors Firing Scandal. All of these political scandals involved illegal actions, all of them involved Dick Cheney in some form, but we still don't know the complete story or whole truth about any of them because people like Liz Cheney claimed that none of them rose to the level of needing a proper investigation, or she simply helped her father to claim "executive privilege" to avoid investigation.
So Liz, let us give you some valuable advice. If you want to be taken seriously, in politics or in life, you first and foremost have to be consistent. If you'd like to have an investigation of the Sestak Affair, you should have called for investigations into your father's affairs. But you didn't. So now, you have absolutely no credibility when calling for investigations of Democrats or of an Democratic Presidential administration. You just sound more and more like sisters Sarah and Michelle, and become crazier and crazier as those voices in your head get louder and louder.

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