Sunday, October 3, 2010

Come Together

(above: Sean, Julian, Yoko and Cynthia in 1989 and in Sept. 2010)
We don't know how we missed this item a couple of weeks ago. For the first time since 1989, and maybe only for the second time ever, John Lennon's two wives and two sons appeared together. In mid-September, Julian Lennon, John's oldest son, showed his photographs at an exhibit at New York's Morrison Hotel Gallery, and in attendance was not only his half-brother, Sean, but also his mother, Cynthia, and his step-mother, Yoko Ono. Beatle John Lennon famously left his first wife, Cynthia, for Yoko in 1968. But the reason why the four have not exactly been the best of friends for awhile is because Yoko tried to cut Julian out of a multi-million dollar settlement of John's estate in the 1990's. Julian said in 2009, "I unleashed hell on her. Now I've made my peace with her and put the past on the back-burner."

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