Sunday, October 3, 2010

If Only They'd Called the Show "My Glistening Pecs"

Happy 34th Birthday to Seann William Scott, who's most famous for the role of "Stifler" in the movie "American Pie". Scott was most recently seen in the Tracey Morgan/Bruce Willis comedy, "Cop Out". We've always felt bad that Scott's career has been relegated to forgettable teen comedies, we suspect he's got some real talent in there somewhere, but if he doesn't get a better role soon, we might never find out. Next up for Scott is "Goon", in which he plays a hockey coach to a band of misfit kids.
And speaking of struggling careers, one of our favorite actors just lost his current t.v. gig. Mehcad Brooks was one of the stars of ABC's new drama, "My Generation", but alas, the show was cancelled this week after only two episodes. But, hey, it's okay Mehcad, you can always go back to your old role on HBO's "True Blood". Tara is missing you something bad, as are we. Yeah, we know you were shot in the head last season, but this is a show with vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters, fairies, etc., so there is absolutely no reason why you can't come back from the dead. And even with a hole in your head, you'll still be the hottest guy in Bon Temps.

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