There are two things you can count on with Republicans:
1. Irony and hypocrisy are completely lost on them, and...
2. The level to which they're so out of touch with modern American life in 2010 that they eventually, always say something incredibly stupid.
As recently as Sunday, we reported that Sen. Lindsey Graham, Republican from South Carolina, stated on a Sunday morning talk show that Americans were "tired of this crap", referring to the Democrats' push for health care reform.
.Well, now, less than two days later, Graham said this in a radio interview, "Nancy Pelosi, I think, has got them all liquored up on sake and you know, they're making a suicide run here." Sake, of course, is a Japanese beer and with the term "suicide run", Graham was referring to the fact that Japanese airplanes purposely crashed into American battleships during World War II in an effort to destroy them.
Japanese-American Representative Mike Honda, Democrat of California, who spent part of his childhood interned due to his Japanese origin, asked Graham to "show respect for our fellow Americans." "I am disheartened that Senator Graham chose to use racially tinged rhetoric to express his opposition to health care reform," said Honda.
Graham replied that he was making a broader point -- that he believed there was already too much government involvement in health care. "My comments really reflect the fanaticism of the Democratic leadership. And I don't know whether (it was) sake or moonshine, but no sober person would do this," he said. "What I would ask the congressman to do is stop this process (so that) all Americans, Japanese-Americans included, do not need to lose their choice in health care," Graham told Fox News.
Graham replied that he was making a broader point -- that he believed there was already too much government involvement in health care. "My comments really reflect the fanaticism of the Democratic leadership. And I don't know whether (it was) sake or moonshine, but no sober person would do this," he said. "What I would ask the congressman to do is stop this process (so that) all Americans, Japanese-Americans included, do not need to lose their choice in health care," Graham told Fox News.
The explanation did not assuage Honda, who hit back that health care reform would in fact open up choices for Americans by "putting the health care industry in its place." "For the senator to add 'moonshiners' to an already unsavory sake and suicide statement does a disservice to the underlying issue," Honda said. "I question who has, in fact -- to use the senator's words -- lost their political mind."
You have to love the Republicans, we keep making the claim that they're really not very bright, sometimes even stupid, and then they keep opening their mouths and proving it.
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