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Monday, July 19, 2010

More Bon Temps Crazy

Another episode of HBO's "True Blood" is in the books, and while watching last night's episode, as usual, we were sometimes entertained, sometimes bored, and mostly confused. This show has so many storylines and subplots and new characters which come out of nowhere, it's sometimes as confusing as watching, well, an episode of the really poorly written "Glee". But hey, we're not complaining, we love "True Blood", and "Glee" for that matter, but let's get those plotlines in order, please!.
(nelsan ellis as "lafayette" and kevin alejandro as "jesus")
Last night, the long-suffering Lafayette looked like he might finally get the chance to put his feet up and just have some good old-fashioned fun, with no strings attached for a change. He was aggressively pursued by Jesus, the guy who willingly works as a target of abuse for Lafayette's crazy, food-throwing momma, Alfre Woodard. Yes, Lafayette's moms is nuts, as are several other people in the small town, but don't judge, if we lived in Bon Temps and had to keep up with these people's storylines, we'd be in an instutition, too. In another new storyline, Jason took off his shirt and pursued a pretty, young girl. Nothing new, right? No, it is, because this girl has a secret. But don't get excited, if this new story unfolds like the rest of the "True Blood" plotlines, it will be several episodes before we know what that secret is. Oh, please, Alan Ball, don't make her into some sort of flying butt-monkey who talks to trees and seduces more fat people in Bon Temps. Okay? We've got enough monsters and people with strange powers in this town; if we have to sit through another whole year like we did with that awful woman who turned out to be some sort of bull-worshipping, orgy-inducing sorceress who got her heart ripped out, literally, then we're packing up the U-Haul and leaving Bon Temps for good.
(jason's new squeeze, lindsay pulsipher as "crystal")
"True Blood" is a show best enjoyed not taken too seriously. The storylines are all over the place, and the show is increasingly losing it's basic narrative. But as we said before, it's okay, the show is just pure fun, and if you don't try too hard to think about what's going on, you'll enjoy it more. But there was one storyline last night which actually did catch our attention, and one which is making us look forward to finding out what it means. It was the one where Sam's new-found, white trash family has moved into Bon Temps, and the father of the family seems to have some sort of strange hold on the son, Tommy Mickens, played by the impossibly cute Marshall Allman. In fact, the drunken father burst into Sam's trailer last night and shouted that he "owned" Tommy. Whoa? Is this going to turn out to be a case where the parents abducted the boy years before and kept him around with what we now know as "The Stockholm Syndrome"? Only time will tell; and again, this being "True Blood", that time will be a long time. So sit back, relax, and watch with us to see if Lafayette and Jesus end their pool game next week with Jesus lying back on the pool table with his heels pointed toward the ceiling. Oh my!

(marshall allman)

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