Anyway, Maher is also our favorite Tweeter on Twitter, and so we bring you some of his funniest Tweets from the past few days.
Dec. 25: Football game, basketball games - this country's unwavering focus today on the baby Jesus is fucking spooky! Pass the nachos
Dec. 25: Is this a bad time to mention that churches really shld pay taxes like any other business?
Dec. 24: Merry Mythmas!
Dec. 20: Over half of Republicans believe in Creationism - for those too young to recall, they didn't used to be the party of ignorance-what happened?
Dec. 15: Did u see that lady hit the Panama City shooter with her purse? I wish the Dems had balls that big to hit the Republicans with their purse
Thank you, Bill, and please, hurry back!
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