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Sunday, December 9, 2012

History Repeats

We're only a few trophies into the movies awards season, and Oscar 2013 is already shaping up into a classic battle.

Oscar 2013 is starting to look like Oscar 1994, 2006 and 2011, when two movies fought for supremacy, with one of the movies winning most of the critics awards, but with the more popular, mainstream movie ultimately winning the Oscar.

In 1994, it was "Schindler's List" vs. "The Piano"; in 2006 it was "Crash" vs. "Brokeback Mountain"; and in 2011 it was "The Social Network" vs. "The King's Speech".  In all three years, Piano, Brokeback and Social were widely regarded as the more critically regarded films, but it was the more mainstream, popular Schindler's, Crash and Speech which finally won the Oscar for Best Picture.

And this year, it already looks as if "Zero Dark Thirty" will win the bulk of the critics' awards, but something tells us popular momentum will build late for Steven Spielberg's "Lincoln".  Only time will tell.

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