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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Don't Let The Door Hit You On The Way Out

(Barbara wanted someone on the show who could be the intellectual equal of Elisabeth; they found one: a sock puppet)

Entertainment headlines today reported that Elisabeth, the lone Republican on ABC's "The View", is unhappy enough to leave the show. Her daily sparrings with Whoopi Goldberg and Joy Behar have reportedly taken their toll.

I hope Elisabeth doesn't leave the show. Yes, she's immature, uninformed, intransigent and at times, an outright verbal bully, but she makes great television.

She is a head-scratcher though. Don't you often watch her rail like a cornered animal in defense of the most ridiculous Republican talking points and wonder, "How does one create a person this young, this warped?" Maybe she was one of those children who was locked in a small closet for few years.

Her ability to close her mind to any ideas other than her own tiny ones is astounding. Which, I suspect, is at the root of the real reason why she's feeling the urge to leave "The View". For a couple of years now, she's daily listened to Barbara and everyone else on the show try to explain to her that, in essence, she doesn't understand anything. And lately, the look on her face when the audience members erupt into wild applause for Democratic ideas tells it all. You can almost see the tiny little wheels inside her tiny little mind start to come off their axels. After this constant barrage of repudiation, even the most stubborn of minds starts to wonder if it is indeed herself who is wrong, maybe she is in the minority after all, maybe she is not right on quite so many issues as what she previously thought. But not Elisabeth. Like most strangely devolved Republicans, no matter how many polls tell her that her ideas are outdated and hopelessly in the minority of American thought, she desperately clings to her righteousness.

Let's face it, being a Republican is the 21st Century's equivalent of belonging to the Manson Family, and Elizabeth is starting to bear a striking resemblance to Squeaky Fromme.

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