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Sunday, February 8, 2009

2009 Baftas - 10:07

Mickey Rourke wins Best Actor for "The Wrestler", and is suprisingly coherent. Dirty and skeevy, but coherent. Cut to audience: Sharon Stone is crying. Sharon, are you happy for Mickey, or are you thinking that if a long-time loser like Mickey can come back from oblivion then there might be hope for you? We're guessing the latter.
Ian McKellan and Patrick Stewart give the Best Director Award to Danny Boyle for "Slumdog Millionaire". Would you like to take a wild guess on what's going to win "Best Picture"?

Mick Jagger comes out to give the Best Picture Award. He tells several jokes, one about the Pitt family, cut to audience: Angelina, for the first time tonight is not frowning, in fact she's actually laughing! That slut, she must have slept with Mick Jagger. The winner is, surprise! "Slumdog Millionaire".
The Host, we still don't know who he is, signs off for the night. Okay, the credits are rolling, the Host was Jonathan Ross. Yawn. Goodnight, Baftas!

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