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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Keep Your Government Hands Off My Medicare!

Pres. Obama gave a speech to House Democrats today, and thousands of Republican Tea-Bagging protesters showed up. As members of Congress passed through the Longworth House office building on their way to the speech, the protesters became abusive. Tea-Baggers heckled Rep. John Lewis, (D-Ga.), calling him a "nigger", and they called Rep. Barney Frank, (D-Mass.), a "faggot", shouting at him with lisp-y screams. Rep. Emanuel Cleaver, (D-Mo.) was spat upon.
Frank shrugged off the incident, but Clyburn was shocked, saying he had not witnessed such treatment since he was leading civil rights protests in South Carolina in the 1960s. "I heard people saying things that I have not heard since 1960 when I was marching to try and get off the back of the bus," Clyburn said.
The Fox News/Republican led protests against the soon-to-be-passed Health Care Reform Bill have become increasingly hostile in the past couple of weeks. But it's difficult to decide which has been more shocking, some of the statements which have been made against the bill, or the incredible, mind-boggling ignorance behind those statements. It's like a bunch of cave-dwelling Neanderthals have been hiding in the woods for forty years, leading us to believe they no longer existed, and then, all of a sudden, some revenuer got them all riled up, flushing them out of their trailer parks and into civilization for the first time in a long, long time.
(does anyone know what the fuck his t-shirt means?
we're laying 10-1 odds that he doesn't either)
This reminds us of an episode we saw last night of the genealogy-inspired show, "Who Do You Think You Are?". It was the episode in which Lisa Kudrow traveled to Poland and found out that her great-grandmother had been murdered by the Nazis. The German soldiers rounded up everyone in her great-grandmother's village one day, marched them to a pit, three by three, shot them dead, let them fall into the pit, marched three more to the same spot, shot them dead, etc., etc., until every Jew in the village was murdered in one day. Lisa cried when she learned of her grandmother's fate, and slightly stunned, all she could think to say was that, "I guess that's what happens when a group of people are whipped into hysteria by fear. That fear can make them commit unspeakable acts, even becoming cold-blooded murderers." Not that we're comparing the Republicans or the Tea-Baggers to Nazis, but the Republicans have gone out of their way to defeat the Health Care Bill by creating incredible fear among their naive and uneducated legions. That is a fact, and it's something for which they'll have to answer at some point. Hopefully soon.

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