Kings of Leon, winners of Record of the Year. Is it just us, or are these scruffy, well-tailored guys sort of hot?
Kings of Leon, winners of Record of the Year. Is it just us, or are these scruffy, well-tailored guys sort of hot?
Scary looking, a frightening stage act, a controversial, possibly perverted personal life... oh, and Alice Cooper took the stage as well.
Oh, come on, you saw that one coming a mile away.
(katy perry and alice cooper)
. .
The Grammy Awards used to be an amazing show. Remember Christina Aguilera's earth-shattering "It's a Man's World" tribute to James Brown, Prince and Beyonce's scorching opening number in 2004, the really inspired odd couplings that produced some great, original performances, and hell, even Ricky Martin's star-making 1999 performance of "The Cup of Life"? But for the past couple of years, the show has fallen flat. Maybe we're in one of those out cycles where we're between stars; old ones have fallen out of favor and new ones have yet to ascend to stardom. Maybe the show's producer just sucks. We don't know, but we do remember the embarassment of last year's show when they were desperately pandering to the tween crowd, and they forced Stevie Wonder to perform with the Jonas Brothers, Al Green to perform with Justin Timberlake, and Miley Cyrus to perform, period. That show was real dreck. But this year wasn't much better. The Grammys as a t.v. show really needs to get it together or they'll find themselves on the TLC channel, following the almost completely forgotten Miss America pageant.
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