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Friday, March 12, 2010

Just One More Year to Retirement!

Happy 64th Birthday today to Oscar-winning actress, Liza Minnelli! Liza shot to stardom with her award-winning role as Sally Bowles in 1972 in the movie, "Cabaret", followed by many years of singing, acting, performing, snorting coke at Studio 54, marrying lunatics, and much like her mother, Judy Garland, being one of the best friends to the gay community we could have ever hoped for.
Years ago we were dining at the famous Universal Grill in the West Village one night when Liza and two male friends were a couple of tables away. Everyone celebrated their birthdays at Universal Grill back then, and as the waiters came out to sing a birthday song to one of Liza's friends, Liza grew antsy, then excited, then crazily excited, and then unable to stop herself, she leapt up, grabbed the microphone away from one of the singing waiters and proceeded to bring the house down with her own birthday song. After hitting the last note of the song, the place went fucking nuts, screaming and shouting, and Liza had this look on her face like she'd just been shot out of a cannon while high on an 8 ball with a Mounain Dew chaser. It's been said that the biggest stars in the world crave attention like most humans crave food, and there was no doubt that night that Liza desperately needed that attention. And she got it. And that's why so many of us love her. A little crazy, a little needy, but she loves us to love her.
Happy birthday, Liza, and at 64, just think, only one more year of working for a living, and then you can retire and just live off your social security. Oh, the things you'll be able to do then!

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