Happy 42nd Birthday to our favorite werewolf... no, not Taylor Lautner, he's our second favorite werewolf... no, we're talking about Grant Bowler, who plays Cooter the werewolf on Alan Ball's "True Blood".
Native New Zealander Bowler first came to the attention of American audiences when he had a featured role on "Ugly Betty", but he really got our attention this year as the rough-looking, tattooed, biker-bar frequenting werewolf, Cooter. Taylor Lautner is fine for the tweens, but at 18, he looks like the roughest thing he's ever experienced is an ingrown zit; while Grant Bowler looks like he's been around the block a couple of times, and the mileage on his face and body make him even more sexy.
When last we saw Cooter, at the end of last week's "True Blood", he was onstage at Lou Pine's Bar, stripping naked and turning into a werewolf, which got all the other werewolves so excited they all started to turn. Is a werewolf orgy in the making? We'll see tonight.
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